3 Reasons you could be procrastinating

3 Reasons you could be procrastinating


Have you ever noticed that when you don't know what is happening next, you tend to just do nothing (This has been me, more times then I care to admit) Procrastination is not laziness (although for some I suppose it might be) but for most its caused by stress and anxiety that comes with not having a plan or a routine. You may ask but how do I stay motivated to keep doing the same thing? That is the million dollar question. The answer is you don't. Motivation comes and goes. Having a well planned routine is where it's at. Even the most dedicated, conditioned and hardworking athletes don't always feel motivated to train. What helps them is their routine (Well that and the fact that they have turned their routine into a habit on autopilot). If you don't have a routine, the fear of what is coming next may be completely crippling that you end up just choosing to do nothing, because you think it's going to be less overwhelming. Ironically that will just cause more stress and anxiety since you know you have to get certain things done. Whether you are studying, going to the gym, working on a project etc. create a daily / weekly routine for yourself in a way that things flow from one to the next. So you never have to sit and wonder, you know exactly what is coming up.


I think it is safe to say, that if you are a living, breathing human being, you have felt this at some time or another. Fear 0f failure can cause failure to launch, that will have you procrastinatingly-daydreaming about the thing you want to achieve, but never actually doing or trying anything. This is a very normal response and it is not the worst, IF you can still continue to try, being scared just means you care. But allowing that fear to incapacitate us is what we don't want. By changing your perspective and understanding that failure is normal and adopting a beginners mindset, as well letting go of the perfectionist ideal, you can mitigate quite a few of those fears. We are not all born knowing how to do everything and also everything right the first time, sometimes it is try and try again. But do you want to sit on your porch one day and regret never having tried? I didn't think so. If you are worried what people will think, upgrade your group around you to people that will pick you up without judgement and cheer you on, because they want to see you succeed.


I think it is safe to say, that if you are a living, breathing human being, you have felt this at some time or another. Fear 0f failure can cause failure to launch, that will have you procrastinatingly-daydreaming about the thing you want to achieve, but never actually doing or trying anything. This is a very normal response and it is not the worst, IF you can still continue to try, being scared just means you care. But allowing that fear to incapacitate us is what we don't want. By changing your perspective and understanding that failure is normal and adopting a beginners mindset, as well letting go of the perfectionist ideal, you can mitigate quite a few of those fears. We are not all born knowing how to do everything and also everything right the first time, sometimes it is try and try again. But do you want to sit on your porch one day and regret never having tried? I didn't think so. If you are worried what people will think, upgrade your group around you to people that will pick you up without judgement and cheer you on, because they want to see you succeed.

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